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Luigi Pizza (6120 points)
15 20 65
in HW8 by (6.1k points)
If you don't want to check it, here is all the colors, dimensions and properties of each file:

Colors                                        D          Properties

[0]                                              1
[0, 255]                                      1        
[0, 255]                                      2        
[127, 196]                                  3        
[0, 128, 196, 255]                      2         pattern_diff_
[0, 128, 196, 255]                      3         pattern_diff_
[0, 96, 128, 255]                        6         pattern_diff_
[0, 128, 196, 255]                      7         pattern_diff_
[0, 128, 196, 255]                      7         pattern_cross_
[0, 255]                                      16       pattern_cross_
[0, 128, 196, 255]                      4         pattern_cross_
[0, 128, 196, 255]                      4         pattern_hrect_
[0, 128, 196, 255]                      4         pattern_diff_
[0, 255]                                      2         pattern_cross_
[0, 96, 200, 255]                        4         pattern_vrect_
[0, 96, 128, 200, 228, 255]        4         pattern_vrect_
[0, 96, 128, 228, 255]                3         pattern_diff_

Could be useful when starting to program the HW.

2 Answers

Nilats (3750 points)
8 14 29
by (3.8k points)
Glory to our Lord and Saviour Luigi Pizza, Amen!
1899325 (5870 points)
1 2 17
by (5.9k points)
Thanks for this sum up!