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Per partecipare al corso di Fondamenti di programmazione 2023-24 loggatevi e attivatelo nella vostra pagina dei corsi preferiti. A quel punto il corso appare nel menù personale cliccando sul proprio avatar. Per i materiali degli anni precedenti seguite lo stesso metodo.

To join the Programming/Lab 2023-24 course, log-on and select it on the my courses page. It will appear on the personal menu of your avatar. For earlier years use the same method.

Course info 2 - Zoom links

mauman (1540 points)
52 77 83
in News by (1.5k points)
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Hi everyone,

here you can find the Zoom links to attend the lectures from remote:

1 Answer

zaur (740 points)
3 6 8
by (740 points)
reshown by
What is the pass code?
Excale (490 points)
0 0 6
by (490 points)
It's included in the URL (the string after ?pwd=)
daniel4x0 (4590 points)
0 0 2
by (4.6k points)
Is it till the last digit (9)? because that doesn't work for me
Excale (490 points)
0 0 6
by (490 points)
Yes, maybe you copied it wrong? It starts after = and ends with the 9
gianluca5539 (9820 points)
4 6 44
by (9.8k points)

In the link, the first part is the meeting ID, then the string after ?pwd= contains the passcode to the room.


The URL is formatted this way so that the API that handles your request knows "what is what"