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Exam booking on Infostud

angelo.spognardi (8190 points)
77 155 226
in News by (8.2k points)

Hi all. During the last exam, we had a couple of students that booked the wrong "Programming": beware that there are two different "Programming" exams! Be sure to book the one where the teachers are Angelo Spognardi and Maurizio Mancini. The Programming exam of Professor Cenciarelli is not the right one!

Remember to book your exam before the 12th of February.



1 Answer

andrealoria (1120 points)
3 6 9
by (1.1k points)
Good mornig Professor Spognardi, I'm a single course student and in my infostud profile i can't book my programming exam.
In the previous exam session i could book only the wrong exam with Professor Cenciarelli.
What can i do?
