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Who will come to Wedensday's quiz? Please, answer here! [poll]

angelo.spognardi (8190 points)
77 156 226
in Course info by (8.2k points)
edited by
We are arranging Wednesday's quiz. We need to know the number of students that plan to come to the classroom (please recall to book your seat in any of the two labs!). So, please, answer the following poll so that we can count you!


Angelo and Maurizio

PS please notice that the test is open ONLY to ACSAI students
Yes of course!

2 Answers

Ganni02 (4920 points)
1 2 15
by (4.9k points)
Professor, I would've preferred to be able to come in presence, however, I had already booked flights back home as I was unaware of the quiz previously. I am sure there are other students like me also. Just wanted to point it out so that maybe the no of no's can be more understood.
Quellocinese (2700 points)
4 4 22
by (2.7k points)
I had the same issue
angelo.spognardi (8190 points)
77 156 226
by (8.2k points)
Hi Ganna and Quellocinese, don't worry. As mentioned already, this is not a problem: those who will not attend Wednesday's quiz will have a similar test while doing the whole exam. There will be no impact on the final grade.
enricomaria.follega (1460 points)
9 18 29
by (1.5k points)
Prof, at what time the exam will start? If i remember well we said at 12.30 last time.

Is that confirmed?

I have a lesson from 11 to 1pm, usually she is very precise, dunno know this time since it will be the last lesson. In the worst scenario i will be at the lab at 13.10.

Just to let you know.
angelo.spognardi (8190 points)
77 156 226
by (8.2k points)
Hi, considering the time you need to reach the labs, we can start the quiz without rushing. You can come to the labs at the usual time: we can start the quiz at 14 once you are there and everything is set up.

Please recall booking your seat and bringing a pen, ID card, and Green Pass!
KilianS (3590 points)
7 10 27
by (3.6k points)
some of us have had problems with the booking side and now its too late. Is there a way to still take the quiz?
GuidoG93 (970 points)
6 9 13
by (970 points)
I just cancelled my booking because I had a contact with a positive Saturday (I didn't come to any lectures these days anyway).

Try booking now.