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Error AttributeError: 'Test' object has no attribute 'ignored_fu'

elisa.onder (1920 points)
2 4 6
in HW8 by (1.9k points)

When I try to test the hw on the terminal I got this error AttributeError: 'Test' object has no attribute 'ignored_fu' but if I manually pass the parameters on Spyder it works and it give me the right output. 

Does anyone have any idea why it throws me that error?


2 Answers

Simone Russolillo (5790 points)
7 10 22
by (5.8k points)
Is ignored_fu a name of a function you used? Maybe you are applying your module on the test whereas instead you should apply the test on the module, remember to change directory when in the terminal and then paste the command for testing. Don't know what other problem it could be.
gabriel.bustamante (2540 points)
3 6 20
by (2.5k points)

Try checking line 33 of, it should look like this

with    self.ignored_function('pprint.pprint'), \