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homework 1: number of digits

Chiaraa (2790 points)
4 15 25
in HW1 optional by (2.8k points)
Does the string inside the variable int_seq have to be composed by one digit numbers only or are multiple digits numbers also allowed? Does this also apply to the subtotal variable?

3 Answers

Cigo (5050 points)
3 6 48
by (5.1k points)
Yes, both subtotal and elements of the string can have more than 1 digit. There are some test cases with 3 digits number in the int_seq and 4 digit subtotal.
francesco.calzona (5210 points)
5 20 81
by (5.2k points)
They can both be longer than 1 digit; the only thing you are sure about is that they are both non - negative.
cristofer.valiante (1690 points)
3 8 21
by (1.7k points)
Yes the only thing that you're sure is that they're natural numbers.