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Per partecipare al corso di Fondamenti di programmazione 2023-24 loggatevi e attivatelo nella vostra pagina dei corsi preferiti. A quel punto il corso appare nel menù personale cliccando sul proprio avatar. Per i materiali degli anni precedenti seguite lo stesso metodo.

To join the Programming/Lab 2023-24 course, log-on and select it on the my courses page. It will appear on the personal menu of your avatar. For earlier years use the same method.

Tutoring Calendar

DGreat (1250 points)
10 14 28
in News by (1.3k points)

Hi everyone.
I am Damiano Gualandri, one of the tutors.

With Professor Spognardi and the other tutors, we've created a calendar where you can book a 1:1 session.

Each session is 15 minutes long.

1. Book in advance the day before 1:1 session. Sessions won't be guaranteed if you don't book with enough time in advance. Last time to book: 7pm
For example: on 26th October, a wednesday, there is an ACSAI session 1:1 at 9.00am. Last date to book: 25th october - tuesday - 7pm .2. Don't book more than one session per week. Let's allow anyone to book.
3. Usually, if not otherwise specified, you should book your matching course-slot.


You will need a uniroma1 email account to access the calendar.

    See ya!


    1 Answer

    Beray Nil Atabey (7510 points)
    13 33 97
    by (7.5k points)
    Hi, Damiano

    Did the professor allow you to provide assistance for the mandatory homeworks and optional homeworks?