Please ignore secret bonuses. Secret tests do NOT award bonus. Max hw grade is 30+2 bonus efficiency

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[GRADES] Updated homework assignments grades, after the similarity check

angelo.spognardi (8190 points)
77 156 226
in News by (8.2k points)

We have updated the situation of the homework assignments to date, including the grades and the similarity score for the HW8 request. The situation is summarized in the Final sheet of the workbook on the following page, which also includes the homework grades for the past years.

According to the Course rules, the final grade when the similarity score is too high has been reduced proportionally. Any homework assignment with an insufficient (or non-satisfactory) grade can be recovered with the corresponding HW recovery. A sufficient (>16) grade on all four homework assignments is mandatory for admission to the final exam.

All the homework assignments must be submitted five days before the exam date to be admitted. The days after the deadline, we will update the workbook, including the new similarity scores, and then publish the list of the admitted students, considering the requirement of having all four homework assignments with a sufficient grade.

You can write to us about any problem in the table for further explanations. We will not answer emails complaining about the similarity scores.

Angelo & Maurizio


3 Answers

oktayates (680 points)
4 8 12
by (680 points)
Are recovery homeworks included in the sheet? Because I sent my HW4rec but it says insufficient in the table.
AL1990 (28120 points)
3 6 142
by (28.1k points)
They will be included five days before the exam date.
ahasanul_shahid (490 points)
0 0 2
by (490 points)
I have 32 points in HW2(req) sheet but 30 points for HW2 on the final point sheet, wondering if its a mistake?
andrea.sterbini (208020 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)
q2a is not aware of the similarity checks results, if some submissions are "too similar" the number of submissions competing for the bonus is reduced and the number of bonus awarded shrinks according to the rules (1/2 of the remaining 30/30 submissions).

Your submission was possibly on the border and fell out
angelo.spognardi (8190 points)
77 156 226
by (8.2k points)
The table has been fixed. Thanks for noticing.
Egnald Çela (2320 points)
7 12 29
by (2.3k points)
Just wondering if when the final grade is calculated the HW grade is rounded to the nearest number.

For ex:

If Hw grade is 25,68

And exam grade is 23,31

Are they rounded to the nearest number (26 for HW and 23 for exam ) or is the final result rounded ?
angelo.spognardi (8190 points)
77 156 226
by (8.2k points)

As you can check in the course rules, the final result is rounded.