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Situation of the homework assignments to date

angelo.spognardi (8190 points)
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We have evaluated the situation of the homework assignments to date, namely HW2, HW4, and HW6. The situation is summarized in the Final sheet of the workbook on the following page. The workbook also includes the homework grades for the past years.

We included the similarity score for HW4 and HW6 in the evaluations: according to the Course rules, the final grade when the similarity score is too high has been reduced proportionally. Any homework assignment with an insufficient (or non-satisfactory) grade can be recovered with the corresponding HW recovery. A sufficient (>16) grade on all four homework assignments is mandatory for admission to the final exam.

We will regularly update the workbook with the results of the mandatory HW8 and the recovery ones.

All the homework assignments must be submitted five days before the exam date to be admitted. The days after the deadline, we will update the workbook, including the new similarity scores, and then publish the list of the admitted students, considering the requirement of having all four homework assignments with a sufficient grade.

You can write to us about any problem in the table for further explanations. We will not answer emails complaining about the similarity scores.

Angelo & Maurizio



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