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Cannot resend the revised version of the program

adammikolajczak (460 points)
1 2 3
in HW4 by (460 points)
closed by
When giving feedback I wrote all 3 suggestions but forgot that by clicking the submit option, only one feedback is inserted. Therefore I did not graded all of them and now I cannot insert my revised program which previously did not pass much testing.

Is there any chance that I could resend my corrected program?
closed with the note: problem solved

1 Answer

AL1990 (28120 points)
3 6 142
by (28.1k points)
Seeing the professor's response to a similar case, unfortunately you will not be able to resend the program but you will have to participate in the recovery homework that will be released tomorrow evening at 8pm to improve your grade.
adammikolajczak (460 points)
1 2 3
by (460 points)
From the professor's email response, it is exactly as you write