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no secret done even if all 14 basic tests are ok

centuorifederico (230 points)
1 2 3
in HW4 by (230 points)
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after the peer assessment I've uploaded an improved version of my code that passes all the 14 basics tests, but for some reason my code is not tested on secret tests...
There is something I'm missing?

1 Answer

Grace (3270 points)
0 0 4
by (3.3k points)
Your program might fail the secret tests because there could be issues with file path construction and directory creation. Try using os.makedirs with the "exist_ok=True" parameter to make directories and subdirectories. The secret tests destination directory has a "\" (slash), so just using os.mkdir isn't sufficient.
andrea.sterbini (208020 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)
Slash is '/'            .

use os.makedirs with exist_ok=True  to create the full path  destination_dir + '/' + song dir

os.mkdir is forbidden