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error : The import of '' is forbidden

matteo_b (950 points)
14 27 33
in HW5 optional by (950 points)

By testing my solutioin to the homework5 five I get this error, but I don't understand why, as I imported only the images module.

FAILED - testlib.ForbiddenError: The import of '' is forbidden

What does that module do? What is it for?


2 Answers

AL1990 (28120 points)
3 6 142
by (28.1k points)
Does it give you the error both locally and on the VM? I think it's a library loaded by tests to report an error. Try running the function directly and see if it gives you an error.
aryanahamed (7920 points)
6 12 67
by (7.9k points)

I am pretty much sure that, the issue is with the testfiles/png module/images module. I ran the tests in an empty file with only the images module imported and it threw the same error you mentioned. But the error was gone when I removed the import images.

One way to fix this is to edit and adding '' in self.check_imports() [Line 31] along with other allowed imports. But I wouldn't really suggest you to edit the test files.