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not recieving suggestions after the peer assessment

Shenique (1670 points)
4 6 8
in News by (1.7k points)
I participated in to the peer assessment for the hw4, but I didn't recieve a suggestion to mine. On the Course-> Peer Assessment area it says, 'you don't have permission to perform this operation.' can someone explain to me what could be the reason?

Than you in advance.

1 Answer

AL1990 (28120 points)
3 6 142
by (28.1k points)
If you have left feedback on all 3 algorithms that were assigned to you, that notice means that the 3 students to whom your algorithm was randomly delivered, unfortunately did not participate in the peer assessment and therefore did not leave you feedback/suggestions. You will still be able to hand in your code again by tomorrow evening.
Shenique (1670 points)
4 6 8
by (1.7k points)
Thank you for your answer.