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Not getting HW2 result and question about "program01.txt"

Andrea Catino (4720 points)
1 2 13
in HW2 by (4.7k points)
closed by
I have submitted my Algorithm and Source code on Friday, 27 October 6 pm. It has been almost two days but I haven't received my result yet. I did receive the confirmation email though. So I was wondering what to do? Reupload everything or keep waiting? I know that this question was already answered but there is more to it. I didn't read the instruction carefully and I edited my "program01.txt" file with Notepad, and this may have caused problem with the UTF8 format. Should I edit it again with Spyder and then reupload it? I'm worried that otherwise I'll end up waiting forever.

Thanks for the help.

Edit: I got my result. The use of Notepad wasn't an issue.

4 Answers

Best answer
andrea.sterbini (208020 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)
selected by
Unfortunately the machinery queueing files to the VM for testing sometimes gets stuck and I must "push" it manually.

Thanks for letting me know

(please be patient with us, we have not yet found the reason for this behavior)
nerimatt (2320 points)
0 0 20
by (2.3k points)
this is happening to me too, the page is stuck on uploaded :/
aryanahamed (7920 points)
6 12 67
by (7.9k points)
Same here. I haven't received my results either. I am sure there are more people who is facing the same issue because the leaderboard didn't update in a while.

I don't think it's the text file issue though. The testing might have got stuck which they mentioned is possible.
Andrea Catino (4720 points)
1 2 13
by (4.7k points)

Are you sure? 

In the instruction it says:

NOTICE: to open and edit text files in the UTF8 format, DO NOT use Notepad (as it does not handle well the Unix linefeed character '\n'). Use Spyder or Notepad++ instead.

aryanahamed (7920 points)
6 12 67
by (7.9k points)
I didn't use Notepad. So, if that was the issue my code would be tested already.
Andrea Catino (4720 points)
1 2 13
by (4.7k points)
You are right, thanks
Nago (1690 points)
7 14 20
by (1.7k points)
edited by
Maybe the server receives too many request right now and it's been making it slow down.

Edit: I just fixed a grammar error