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Exam 20.06.2023

Melis (150 points)
0 1 3
in News by (150 points)
Dear Professor Spognardi,

I am writing about a recent exam. Despite my attempts to contact you by email, I have not received a response, so I am contacting you through this platform.

I found that I didn’t get a score for this exam, and I suspect it might be due to some technical problems with the evaluation software.

At the beginning of the exam, I unfortunately forgot to include my name in the file. However, closer to the end of the exam, Professor Iacopo Masi approached my desk to write down the results. He told me I forgot to enter my name, and I recorded it. I am sure I provided my data, but they were not preserved for some reason.

I really want to get an assessment for this exam because I have put a lot of effort into preparing for it. I would be grateful if you could check the system and find my data to evaluate my answers.

I understand that such situations can sometimes arise, and I rely on your understanding and impartiality. If you need additional information or evidence, I am ready to provide everything you need.

Since I have not received an answer to my emails, I hope you can read this message here. I count on your help in solving this issue. I look forward to your response and thank you for your time and attention.

and honestly,
Melis Zorobaev

1 Answer

angelo.spognardi (8190 points)
77 156 226
by (8.2k points)

Dear Melis, we are well aware of your situation. It took some time to discuss with my colleagues attending the exam. We looked for any exam without a name in the room where you did the exam. You are lucky that we found only one of them and that its grade matched the one Prof. Masi wrote down. I want you to see how this is a very exceptional case and that your mistake would have been unrecoverable in other circumstances.

This is to stress that you have not followed the instructions and that we are doing something exceptional, considering the exam rules.