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finding the single-color row & column

NikaMsv (750 points)
2 11 17
in HW8 by (750 points)
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Hello ! I'm looking for a faster solution to this problem could you please share it with me if you hyave an idea ?

We have an image (in the form of a matrix) divided by some axis-aligned lines (in the form of a +) in a way that it has splitted firstly into 4 pieces

then each of those 4 pieces could also be divided into 4 pieces themselves or not . And if they're divided , the splitter lines lie within those pieces (maximum length equals

 the length of the side of the specific rectangular piece) a new color is used in each level of sub-division.

The objective is to find the row index and column index of the splitter lines which divide the image in the first level .

My approach is to iterate over each index in the range(len(matrix)) which means through each row , turn it into a set, get the len() of it and if equal to 1 ,

assign it to row index .

Then get one of the items in that row and index it in the row above , so it tells us where the column crosses the row above . and then we have the column index as well

I'd really appreciate a faster or more efficient approach

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