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HW 6-rec: when do a spaceship can land in a city?

Claudia Istoc (480 points)
0 2 4
in HW6 by (480 points)
closed by
Good evening everyone,

I'm having a lot of problems in the recovery hw 6. I cannot find where I'm wrong, so I supposed that maybe I didn't understand the text.

So here one thing I could eventually got wrong: when do a spaceship can land in a city?

In the tests I find errors in the return values: sometimes I have a different list by the true one.

Thank you in advance
closed with the note: answered

1 Answer

andrea.sterbini (208020 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)

A spaceship with size W, H and doors D can land if there is a position x, y such that:

  • All pixels in the rectangle WxH positioned with the upper left corner in x, y are black
  • All pixels in the 4 rectangles WxD or DxH on the 4 sides of the spaceship are black
Please be very precise in computing the pixels of the rectangles to be checked