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Homework 4 submission problems

Din (3570 points)
0 11 12
in HW4 by (3.6k points)
ImportError= cannot import name 'media_corso' from 'program01' (/home/andrea/AA22/repo/AA22-HW4-rec-en/students/1989321/homework10/

I tried to submit my homework and all tests after submission are fail(but at test on my PC it is clear) and error is looks like this. 

Do you know what can be the reason?

1 Answer

andrea.sterbini (208020 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)

You should not import any other libraries 

Din (3570 points)
0 11 12
by (3.6k points)
As I know, I did't. Only thing I split my code and made special function for opening file, to make code more readable and flexible (as I know, it is allowed to use our made functions, and I usually try to make special functions to for example, use them in future for similar tasks) I used only things like : sort, split, items, max and etc. Can it be a reason?
andrea.sterbini (208020 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)
You have submitted the HW4req(uired) code instead than the HW4rec(overy).

Please implement the recovery homework.