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Audio issues in Prof. Angelo's Lecture recordings

Hrishita (980 points)
5 27 31
in Programming in Python by (980 points)

The lectures taken on 7/12 and 14/12 have extreme audio issues. It is extremely difficult to understand the contents of the video. I am an international student who is heavily relying on these lecture recordings. Please help!

1 Answer

angelo.spognardi (8190 points)
77 156 226
by (8.2k points)
I'm sorry, I think I can do nothing to improve the audio. I'm opening a ticket with zoom, but I'm not confident anything can be done.

I hope the next lectures will not have the same issue.
angelo.spognardi (8190 points)
77 156 226
by (8.2k points)
I contacted the zoom customer center, and unfortunately, there is no way to improve the audio. I'm sorry.