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Programming quiz on December 21st - Registration

mauman (1540 points)
52 77 83
in News by (1.5k points)
closed by

Please register only if you are attending the quiz on December 21st:

closed with the note: expired

1 Answer

Hrishita (980 points)
5 27 31
by (980 points)

When will the people who aren't giving the quiz on 21st December be able to sit for the quiz? I am asking coz I am not yet in Italy and a bit unfamiliar with the Italian curriculum.
Julio Zenelaj (3190 points)
1 8 32
by (3.2k points)
The quiz is usually taken with the exam. This one is just an extra chance for those who want to get rid of the quiz and focus on the exam.

So, whenever you take the Programming 1 exam, you will also be able to take the quiz.
Hadis (620 points)
1 4 9
by (620 points)
Hello Professor,

I can’t seem to register for the quiz through this link but I want to attend it.

How else can I register for it?