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Trees in HW8

francesco.calzona (5210 points)
5 20 81
in HW8 by (5.2k points)

Is it mandatory to use a game tree/tree structure/the tree library in HW8? I came up with a (recursive!) solution without employing any of those, and I was wondering, since we received mixed feedbacks from different professors, whether that could be a problem, and would be considered not correct (maybe during the secret testing phase). Local and Q2A testing do not give me any error of any sort regarding this.

Thank you very much, and if a professor is answering to this, I suggest him to post this clarification in the HW8 page, since it is quite a common question.

2 Answers

yGifoom (2160 points)
0 0 20
by (2.2k points)
the tree is not mandatory, the tests check only for recursiveness
angelo.spognardi (8190 points)
77 156 226
by (8.2k points)

The tree library is there for your convenience, and its use is not mandatory. If you feel more comfortable implementing a solution without using it, it is perfectly fine. Thanks for your suggestion, I will add a comment on the HW8 page.