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input function error on MacBook

tithyisrat (180 points)
0 2 3
in News by (180 points)
hello everyone,everytime I write input function while using spyder, it shows error on MacBook.But I guess for windows, its not a problem.How can I solve it?any suggestions?

2 Answers

francesco.calzona (5210 points)
5 20 81
by (5.2k points)
Have you updated Spyder to its latest release? The input function had some issues with the previous one with windows as well, if I'm not wrong.
Diapa (4690 points)
0 1 28
by (4.7k points)
edited by

This issue was explained in another post, though I can understand that by the title you wouldn't understand that in that post there was the answer you were looking for. This is the post I'm talking about. In general, Spyder crashes on every Os if it's installed with the standalone version given by Anaconda; removing it and reinstalling it should do the trick. Hope it helped