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how to install libraries

Chiaraa (2790 points)
4 15 25
in HW1 optional by (2.8k points)
In the instruction for the homework it is said that we need to install some libraries. Aren't them already installed or we need to install them manually? And how can we use them after the download?

3 Answers

Cigo (5050 points)
3 6 48
by (5.1k points)

You just need to install stopit library.
You can do it by opening anaconda prompt and running:

pip install stopit

Then you are ready to go! Just use the commands indicated in the homework instructions to test your solution.

Chiaraa (2790 points)
4 15 25
by (2.8k points)

So running  ''pip install stopit'' it will install all the needed libraries? And i also read that we can test our code from spyder by first installing the spyder-unittest plugin. It will be also downloaded running ''pip install stopit''?

Ionut Cicio (5960 points)
2 2 43
by (6.0k points)

pip install stopit will install only stopit
To install multiple packages just run pip install package1 package2 package3
For example: pip install stopit spyder-unittest

Make sure to do it inside the F22 environment wink

Cigo (5050 points)
3 6 48
by (5.1k points)

Nope, stopit will allow you to test only via the terminal. You need to install the plugin for spyder with:

conda install -c spyder-ide spyder-unittest
andrea.sterbini (208020 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)
Please use conda instead than pip
francesco.calzona (5210 points)
5 20 81
by (5.2k points)

You need to open the anaconda prompt, paste just one command from the column "Anaconda command prompt" (that you can find in this page) into the command line, press enter and then press y and enter when requested. You need to do this for each command (corresponding to a library) that you find in that page.

andrea.sterbini (208020 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)
Just check that there's no new library to install