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Are we submitting 9 marbles and 5 cards to any platform?

Beray Nil Atabey (7510 points)
13 33 97
in News by (7.5k points)
Hey! Are we submitting the answers to google forms on Professor Spognardi's personal website? If yes, what do we type in the "team name" section? Thank you in advance :)

2 Answers

Julio Zenelaj (3190 points)
1 8 32
by (3.2k points)
If you managed to solve the problems then I think you could upload them, maybe prof. Spognardi will discuss some solutions in class just as he did with the classwork. Otherwise, I don't think they are mandatory.
I completed the sorting of 5 numbers in class and sent it right away as I thought it was classwork. As for the 9 marbles one, I didn't manage to hear it in class. After reading the problem at home, I tried to solve it but no matter how I "used the scale" my most optimal solution required at least 4 measurements so I started to doubt if it could be done in 3. I looked it up and found out that it was actually solvable in 3 measurements using a piece of logic which I hadn't considered. Since I looked it up I am not going to upload an answer for it.

By the way, I just typed my name in the team name space.
Beray Nil Atabey (7510 points)
13 33 97
by (7.5k points)
Hey Julio, thanks for the information. I don't think I am going to upload this because the instructions were a bit unclear and since this was more of a "discussion" type of homework. The 9 marbles question was with 3 measurements by the way :)
francesco.calzona (5210 points)
5 20 81
by (5.2k points)
Yeah, he said that in last lesson; since we are not actually doing it with a group, I would suggest you to put your real name in the team name section.