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Per partecipare al corso di Fondamenti di programmazione 2023-24 loggatevi e attivatelo nella vostra pagina dei corsi preferiti. A quel punto il corso appare nel menù personale cliccando sul proprio avatar. Per i materiali degli anni precedenti seguite lo stesso metodo.

To join the Programming/Lab 2023-24 course, log-on and select it on the my courses page. It will appear on the personal menu of your avatar. For earlier years use the same method.

Urgent: Programming Unit 1 class of Monday, October 3rd 11-14

mauman (1540 points)
52 77 83
in News by (1.5k points)

due to health reasons, I must cancel the class specified in the subject.

I am adding a video-recorded class on Monday afternoon, I will notify the students here as soon as the class is ready.

3 Answers

Sajjad (1520 points)
0 0 3
by (1.5k points)

I hope you have a speedy recovery from your illness and be back to normal life.

Jad (2690 points)
6 27 38
by (2.7k points)
Hope You'll get better
safailicr7 (370 points)
0 2 4
by (370 points)
We wish you a speedy recovery dear sir.
muhibur (190 points)
0 0 2
by (190 points)
Hope you will recover soon.