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Admission to programming exam on 26th

MartinaDoku (250 points)
0 2 5
in News by (250 points)

Hi I have a problem with my exam ammission,

 I just recived on my institutional email the list of people admitted to the oral exam of the 26th, and I seem not to be admitted beacause of missing homeworks. Now the table to which the 'admitted people list' refers to is the one built for the exam of the 22th of Jenuary. At the time those test run, (20th morning) I didn't finish all the recoveries, anyway a few hours later, before the deadline for the exam of the 26th ( that sholud be at 23:59 of 5 days before the exam, so 23:59 of the 21st of January) I uploaded my last recovery, that should let me do the exam.

Now is there a way for you to check the state of the homeworks at the time of the deadline? I'm afraid I won't  be admited despite uploading all the homeworks in time. 


1 Answer

by (2.8k points)
Dear Ms Doku,

Prof Sterbini (thanks!) has just checked your upload with the secret tests too. Good news is, your program passed. See you tomorrow.

Best regards,
MartinaDoku (250 points)
0 2 5
by (250 points)
Perfect, thank you!