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Are we allowed to create dictionaries in our homework?

1934865 (700 points)
0 2 4
in News by (700 points)
From what i can gather/what my friends with more coding experience have told, me for a problem like this it would be more effective and easy to use a dictionary (HW2req), are we allowed to use it though?

3 Answers

gpdatu (1110 points)
0 0 9
by (1.1k points)
It's not prohibited in the instructions so I assume they can be used. Plus, I used them and when I submitted my code it didn't give back any error/warning.

Worst case scenario you can just submit another solution since the last submission is the one that counts.
benjamin (2490 points)
1 7 21
by (2.5k points)
As long as you don't import other libraries you can use everything python has to offer.
DDave (530 points)
0 0 3
by (530 points)
Asked about it during hw1, everything goes