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Exercises with Advent of Code 2023

AL1990 (28120 points)
3 6 142
in Programming in Python by (28.1k points)
edited by
Do you already miss waking up in the morning and finding a new HW to complete? Are you tired of the usual advent calendars filled with chocolates?

Then this advent calendar may be for you:

This is an English-language site where a Christmas-themed programming exercise is posted every day from Dec. 1 to Dec. 25, divided into two parts, with the second being accessed only if you pass the first. The exercises are pure programming, involving algorithms and data structures. They usually have a text file as input and the output is a simple number or text string. For solving, a program launched from any console and written in any language is sufficient; in fact, only the output obtained should be posted on the site. Troubleshooting requires logging in to the site, and each user receives different input for the problem of the day. One can use authentication from GitHub, Google, Twitter, or Reddit. There is also a general leaderboard where you can see how many people before you have completed an exercise.

I thought it might be useful to practice for the exam, in fact you can retrieve exercises even after the deadline and you can practice on previous years' exercises as well.

I hope it will be useful to someone! And happy holidays to everyone!

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