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Clarifications about HW4-REC

rokshana03 (16750 points)
1 4 35
in HW4 by (16.8k points)
In the hw4-rec, it says that the database can be of three sizes: small,medium,large. But in the zip file I can see some denoted with "micro". Do I need to count those as well?

Another question is that I see some files named in italian such as "tutti_i_corsi", "cognomi" I need to use those as well?

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer

Best answer
angelo.spognardi (8190 points)
77 155 226
by (8.2k points)
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Hi, the micro file is only for testing purposes, but it is not part of the assignment: you can use it or not. It does not count.

The other files are intended to be used by the Italian students that will implement the exercise using the Italian language.

Good luck!
rokshana03 (16750 points)
1 4 35
by (16.8k points)
okk thank youu