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Can't upload new version of the HW8 although I (DID NOT) complete the peer assestment

GuidoG93 (970 points)
6 9 13
in Programming in Python by (970 points)
recategorized by
Good morning professors,

It seems my access to upload a new version of the homework is denied, although I'm 100% sure I completed the peer assesment( I even sent it multiple times).

It says also I can't give the feedbacks to answers, because access is denied.

Could you check if there is something wrong going on?

Thank you in advance

1 Answer

Best answer
laertleba (2840 points)
12 28 42
by (2.8k points)
selected by
It happened once to me but it was because I had forgotten to give a suggestion to one of the peer assesment codes. I hope it's not the case for you.
GuidoG93 (970 points)
6 9 13
by (970 points)
I'm 100% sure I sent all three a suggestion, even the one that said only 'I will do the recovery'. I did it multiple times because I wanted to be 100% sure that I could upload a new version of the homework later.
GuidoG93 (970 points)
6 9 13
by (970 points)
Professor, I didn't receive any suggestion that I could have voted for! I checked many times also because I was eager to check them because I had issues with pattern diff and to upload a new version since the one before just passed 11 tests out of 17! I swear I checked and never had this issue before! Please let me do it, if it's just a matter of putting a score from 0 to 10 I will, other people also can still put a feedback to the suggestions(if there are) also now!
GuidoG93 (970 points)
6 9 13
by (970 points)

also, on the HW8 description it's literally written this, today it's still the 21st, and if the issue is the voting of the feedback there should be still time.I voted all the pseudocode, I'm 100% sure, I can even tell how many stars I gave to all the pseudocodes and what I wrote!

  • You will receive up to 3 suggestions from your peers
  • You will have time until 23:59 of 22/12/21 to evaluate ALL the suggestions received and then re-submit new, better program
laertleba (2840 points)
12 28 42
by (2.8k points)
When I go to Course, Peer Assesment  I can see the 3 suggestions, I rated them and re-submited my code. So if you can't see them it might be some technical problem, if it is so don't worry the professor should be able to fix it in no time.
andrea.sterbini (207940 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)

HOMEWORK 8 REQUIRED (1st deadline FOR EVERYBODY: 23:59 of 18/12/21)

Submit BOTH the and the program01.txt files.
Remember to comment all print and do not use the input function.
Do not use global variables or import other libraries.

To participate to peer-assessment:
- SUBMIT your files before 23.59 of 18/12/21
- assess and give suggestions to ALL algorithms assigned to you before 23:59 of 20/12/21
- grade ALL the suggestions you have received
- ONLY AT THIS POINT you will be able to re-submit newer/better versions of your (leave the algorithm as is) before 23:59 of 22/12/21
- after the deadline your code and results will be visible to everyone

andrea.sterbini (207940 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)
Unfortunately when the feedback to the received suggestions is missing there is nothing I can do to allow you or any other to submit a new version.

Your current grade is sufficient, and hoping this remain sufficient with secret tests, you will not need to do the recovery HW (unless you want to improve the grade)
GuidoG93 (970 points)
6 9 13
by (970 points)
If the problem was with the feedbacks and the first deadl to the pseudocode I could show you a photo that I voted for it, because I took a picture of the "I will do the recovery" comment I received, with the stars I gave it, because it was a funny comment. comment. If the problem is that I didn't receive any of the suggestions, it's written that the deadline to give it a grade from 0 to 10 is the 22nd of december. If I didn't receive any it's not my fault. Why should I be treated differently from all the other people?

I am a student-worker, and although I would take also the recovery, my time is limited and I would like to have a choice whether to take it or not.
andrea.sterbini (207940 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)
I understand.
The problem is that possibly you did not submit the grades you gave to the received suggestions.
(I don't see no grade associated to them in the DB).
Unfortunately I cannot fix this.

Yes, please send me the picture, so that I can do other checks.
GuidoG93 (970 points)
6 9 13
by (970 points)

Here's the picture.with the time I sent the message, proving that I was doing the recovery, and the 5 stars I gave to clarity. I hope it proves that I was doing the peer assesment and that I graded it. I gave that comment 5 stars for clarity, 2 for the rest. 

andrea.sterbini (207940 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)
I've sent you an email with what I see in your account
simone (25820 points)
48 97 209
by (25.8k points)
I just checked out and you forgot to rate an exercise.
GuidoG93 (970 points)
6 9 13
by (970 points)
I'm positive I wrote all the pseudocode, rated them all and press send multiple times to all the options. I wanted to be extra sure, because the extra time was fundamental to me.
simone (25820 points)
48 97 209
by (25.8k points)
As I told you, one is missing
GuidoG93 (970 points)
6 9 13
by (970 points)
I'm sure about what I'm saying, also there would be no reason why I would vote all but one. But anyway, there is nothing that can be done to make me upload a final version of the program? I feel there was a bug of some sort, because, as I said already, I'm sure I sent all that was required.
simone (25820 points)
48 97 209
by (25.8k points)
it's not a bug (can you prove it somehow?) but probably a careless mistake.

I could unblock the delivery but I need the consent of one of the teachers
GuidoG93 (970 points)
6 9 13
by (970 points)

I have a photo of one of the comments I rated, if the issue was with that comment, there is the proof because there are the stars I gave it. If it was another pseudocode, then I don't have a proof, only my word. Here's the pic

simone (25820 points)
48 97 209
by (25.8k points)
The problem concerns another exercise (i wrote you a message in private).