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To join the Programming/Lab 2023-24 course, log-on and select it on the my courses page. It will appear on the personal menu of your avatar. For earlier years use the same method.

About 10th December's lectures

angelo.spognardi (8190 points)
77 155 226
in News by (8.2k points)
Today's Mancini's lecture is postponed after prof. Spognardi's lecture. Both lectures will only be online, just to be on the safe side. Please, try to propagate this announcement as soon as possible.

Angelo & Maurizio

1 Answer

mauman (1540 points)
52 77 83
by (1.5k points)

yes, my lecture will follow prof Spognardi's one, so we meet in the usual unit 1's Zoom room at 2.30pm, until 4pm.
