Please ignore secret bonuses. Secret tests do NOT award bonus. Max hw grade is 30+2 bonus efficiency

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[GRADES] Grades of HW6req

andrea.sterbini (207940 points)
756 1270 2377
in News by (208k points)
edited by

We have completed the similarity checks.
Here are the grades for the HW6.
Please comment below if your grade belongs to the Italian course, so that I can fix the bonuses.

If you didn't pass the HW please complete the HW6 recovery .

Here are the secret tests and our solutions (updated).

2 Answers

gabrimat (5630 points)
2 4 25
by (5.6k points)
Sorry professor but in the test mat-wide the text input at the last tuple of five elements is not finished by a comma.

300, 20, 255,0,0,    400, 30, 0, 255, 0,    500, 90, 0, 0, 255

Should not this be an illegal input? Many of the students have probably failed because of this.
andrea.sterbini (207940 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)
edited by
Thanks for noticing and reporting it. I am re-testing HW6req and have updated the zip.
Luigi Pizza (6120 points)
15 20 65
by (6.1k points)
I have found the same problem.
saad rahman (560 points)
0 0 3
by (560 points)
Kudos for noticing the problem. Thought my algorithm had a problem. Made my day! .. and several others.
Fraah (620 points)
1 2 8
by (620 points)
Sorry to bother again, but the algorithm for bringing everyone to parity is still broken, my 34 became a 28 because of a failed test, probably a timeout. Please take a look at it, I know that my algorithm works because it never failed anything before the parity script.
andrea.sterbini (207940 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)
The code to bring everybody to parity obviously adds some time to the normal save.
We cannot re-run tests just for you without editing your code.
The most we can do is to give you back the grade 30 as if you had passed all tests, but without the bonuses.
Fraah (620 points)
1 2 8
by (620 points)
edited by
I'll gladly accept the 30, thank you.