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Test your Code!

Luigi Pizza (6120 points)
15 20 65
in HW6 by (6.1k points)

Hi Guys,

I've noticed a question about changing the value of 'spacing', so I got to work. If you want to test your code against other values This is the code for you!

k = 0

print(ex(r'matrices\example.txt', r'results\result_example.png', 42 + 2*k)==( 288+8*k, 348+8*k))
print(ex(r'matrices\minimal.txt', r'results\result_minimal.png', 30 + k)==(  82+2*k, 140+2*k))
print(ex(r'matrices\mat-3-1.txt', r'results\result_mat-3-1.png', 1 + 48*k)==( 466+864*k, 120+192*k))
print(ex(r'matrices\mat-4-5.txt', r'results\result_mat-4-5.png', 5 + 24*k)==( 120+240*k,  61+120*k))
print(ex(r'matrices\mat-5-5.txt', r'results\result_mat-5-5.png', 5 + 60*k)==( 150+720*k,  78+360*k))
print(ex(r'matrices\mat-2-97.txt', r'results\result_mat-2-97.png', 97 + 4*k)== (690+24*k, 341+12*k))

This works for every value of k, as far as k is a natural number.

Let me know if this has been useful! (You might need to change the path where your files are going to be saved. I've created a folder named results)


5 Answers

gabrimat (5630 points)
2 4 25
by (5.6k points)
Used them right now, thank you for the extra testing!
Luigi Pizza (6120 points)
15 20 65
by (6.1k points)
You're welcome! I could do the same also for hw8 next time
rokshana03 (16750 points)
1 4 35
by (16.8k points)
Thanks!!! This is gonna be very useful to further test the code I wrote!
Luigi Pizza (6120 points)
15 20 65
by (6.1k points)
You're welcome!
Quellocinese (2700 points)
4 4 22
by (2.7k points)
Thank you so much, let's make no one fail this hw!
Luigi Pizza (6120 points)
15 20 65
by (6.1k points)
You're welcome! Let's hope everybody passes it
James_F (6070 points)
10 14 47
by (6.1k points)
in unix-like system you may need to change the backslash with a regular one '/' to let bash understand what path you are referring to; that said, they seem to work, but i dunno if it may be any useful to test the behavior of our programs.
Noneteless, thank you for sharing!
Simone Russolillo (5790 points)
7 10 22
by (5.8k points)
Sorry Luigi should we add the above code under the command if __name__==__main__?

Thanks in advance.
gabrimat (5630 points)
2 4 25
by (5.6k points)
Yes thore are tests you should run under that condition
Simone Russolillo (5790 points)
7 10 22
by (5.8k points)
thanks Gabriele!
Luigi Pizza (6120 points)
15 20 65
by (6.1k points)
Yes, otherwise they would be executed when imported, slowing the testing (in by a lot.