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Homework Passed test

gio0628sato (960 points)
2 4 9
in News by (960 points)
closed by
Hello, before I submitted my homework I tested it on my laptop and it seemed to be working well  but in my result the  passed test was 0. I want to know what is the problem but I don’t know how to.I might tested it in a wrong way..So please give me some advice.
closed with the note: Resolved

2 Answers

gianluca5539 (9820 points)
4 6 44
by (9.8k points)
Could you share the log of the tests? You can find it on the homework page.
gio0628sato (960 points)
2 4 9
by (960 points)
I think I got the mistake now.Anyway thank you so much:)
rokshana03 (16750 points)
1 4 35
by (16.8k points)
It might have to do something with the VM, if you go on "results" tab and go on correctness, it should tell you the reason why its failing. Maybe it went in timeout?
gio0628sato (960 points)
2 4 9
by (960 points)
Ooh! Thank you so much it helped me a lot!!
rokshana03 (16750 points)
1 4 35
by (16.8k points)
glad it helped!!