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How can I lose a sad smiley in Q2A?

KilianS (3590 points)
7 10 27
in Course info by (3.6k points)
I somehow got a sad smiley next to my name in the leaderboard. Does that affect the grade? How do I get rid of that?

1 Answer

Best answer
zoe_matrullo (2090 points)
4 8 12
by (2.1k points)
selected by
did you follow all the course rules?
KilianS (3590 points)
7 10 27
by (3.6k points)
sorry which rules? do u have the link?
zoe_matrullo (2090 points)
4 8 12
by (2.1k points)
KilianS (3590 points)
7 10 27
by (3.6k points)
hm... i think mr spognardi told me once not to use swear words, could that be  it? theres nothing about swear words in the rules
zoe_matrullo (2090 points)
4 8 12
by (2.1k points)
yes maybe that could be it
KilianS (3590 points)
7 10 27
by (3.6k points)
hm.. does that go into the grading in the end?
zoe_matrullo (2090 points)
4 8 12
by (2.1k points)
that must be written in the course rules somewhere. If not you could try and email the out the language next time!
KilianS (3590 points)
7 10 27
by (3.6k points)
"To encourage socialization, there are some incentives for the involvement in the official Q2A forum of the course. Any activity in the forum is worth some points: asking questions, giving answers, voting and receiving votes, receiving the “best answer” mark from the asking user or the teachers. At the end of the course, there will be a ranking of the forum users. Those in the top ⅓ of the ranking will receive a bonus up to +3 points to the final exam grade."

Thats what i read so far... that doesnt sound like it matters more to lose points from moderators, right?
siriasannino (3840 points)
1 2 9
by (3.8k points)
Yeah there's nothing about it, but I think Q2A is seen as a place where you ask questions to the professors remotely

When talking to a professor irl you normally can't use this kind of language (and even teachers mostly refrain from using it), so it makes sense you can't use it here

But I guess it won't worsen your mark, everybody makes mistakes, maybe you should talk to a professor when you get the chance!
KilianS (3590 points)
7 10 27
by (3.6k points)
Everybody makes mistakes
Everybody has those days (Oh yeah)
Everybody knows what, what I'm talkin 'bout
Everybody gets that way
Everybody makes mistakes
simone (25820 points)
48 97 209
by (25.8k points)
"Watch your language".

I will remove the negative rating later.
simone (25820 points)
48 97 209
by (25.8k points)

@siriasannino I'm sorry but you did not understand the true nature of this forum.

KilianS (3590 points)
7 10 27
by (3.6k points)
@simone thanks!
andrea.sterbini (207940 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)

Sometimes the moderator/teacher dislikes profoundly an answer or a question and downvotes it.
This reduces the number of points collected.

Last year, apart from posts with swearing, pasted code or forum spam, I finished my patience and started downvoting also incorrectly categorized questions.

@simone please leave the downvotes as they are

simone (25820 points)
48 97 209
by (25.8k points)
Okey dokey !