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Non vedo i risultati del test per l'HW2 [poll]

AlessandroBonanni (700 points)
3 6 9
in HW2 by (700 points)
closed by
Ho consegnato l'HW2 mi è anche arrivata la mail della consegna, però nella mail con il risultato del test non mi fa vedere nulla.

Ho notato che anche con l'HW1 è successa la stessa cosa, non sono nelle leaderboard nonostante abbia consegnato entrambi gli HW

in tempo
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2 Answers

GabrielAlexandru (7760 points)
2 4 29
by (7.8k points)
You won't find the test result in the email you receive. To see the result you can either click on the link available in the email or you have to go in the "Course" section, then "Result". There you can select the homework, right now the default is Homework 2.
AlessandroBonanni (700 points)
3 6 9
by (700 points)
I delivered the hw2 , i receive the mail that confirm the hw2 was delivered , the mail with result that i receive doesnt show anything.

I navigate the website with your indications and i can't see the result
GabrielAlexandru (7760 points)
2 4 29
by (7.8k points)
That's strange... Are you sure the homework got tested? If so, what do you see in the Results tab? Because you should at least see the delivery date, and if it got tested, all the other info, like execution time. If it got tested, in this section you will see a green label with "Tested" as text.
AlessandroBonanni (700 points)
3 6 9
by (700 points)
I got a mail from Q2a with the result of test but it says "undelivered" but i have delivered all two hw, i dont know
GabrielAlexandru (7760 points)
2 4 29
by (7.8k points)
I was wandering: are you in the ACSAI course or the Italian one? Because I know that if you go to "Results" in the course that's not yours you will see "Undelivered". So that's what I'm thinking. And my hypothesis is backed up by the fact that you posted in Italian. Though, if you are an ACSAI student you can disregard this comment, and in this case I don't know why you have this problem.
AlessandroBonanni (700 points)
3 6 9
by (700 points)
Studio alla sapienza 1° anno informatica triennale, sarebbe ACSAI?
GabrielAlexandru (7760 points)
2 4 29
by (7.8k points)
ACSAI è il corso in inglese, quindi se le tue lezioni sono in italiano allora non sei studente ACSAI.
AlessandroBonanni (700 points)
3 6 9
by (700 points)
Ok, quindi non si sa perchè non vedo i risultati? Devo scrivere al prof?
GabrielAlexandru (7760 points)
2 4 29
by (7.8k points)
Prova e vedi cosa ti rispondono
andrea.sterbini (207940 points)
754 1269 2377
by (208k points)
Siamo nel corso ACSAI in inglese e hai consegnato gli HW qui.
AlessandroBonanni (700 points)
3 6 9
by (700 points)
Sono riuscito ad andare nel corso di fondamenti e li vedo consegnati gli hw sai 1 che 2, penso di aver risolto
andrea.sterbini (207940 points)
754 1269 2377
by (208k points)
Hai ragione tu