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HW 2: WRONG execution time on Q2A

Simone Russolillo (5790 points)
7 10 22
in HW2 by (5.8k points)
recategorized by
When I run the tests on my computer it takes 6 seconds but now that I have uploaded it on q2a it says 9 seconds. Does anyone know why this is happening and how to fix it?

2 Answers

gabriel.bustamante (2540 points)
3 6 20
by (2.5k points)
My guess is that execution time depends on the speed of the CPU that processes your program. Your computer is probably faster than the VM that does the tests on q2a, hence the discrepancy
Simone Russolillo (5790 points)
7 10 22
by (5.8k points)
alright thanks!
gabrimat (5630 points)
2 4 25
by (5.6k points)
Computer is faster than virtual machine.