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HW2: Lexicographic order in the case of a further tie

fernandoalonzi_ (270 points)
1 2 3
in HW2 by (270 points)
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When comparing two strings in lexicographic order, should we also consider '  '? Because ord('  ') comes before the others and this means that if a string starts with '  ' compared to another that doesn't, it wins the comparison.

2 Answers

Best answer
Ganni02 (4920 points)
1 2 15
by (4.9k points)
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As part of the initial process, you would need to remove all white spaces, hence the ' ' should be ignored.
leonardo_13 (1540 points)
6 15 22
by (1.5k points)
Great answer.
saad rahman (560 points)
0 0 3
by (560 points)
"The number of non-space characters is, however, equal
for each sequence". I think it implies that we have to consider non-space characters as mentioned in the assignment.
angelaob (1190 points)
2 4 7
by (1.2k points)
I think it means that after removing possible white spaces and tabs, the number of characters becomes the same for every string