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HW2 passes tests on the terminal but gives forbidden error on q2a

zoe_matrullo (2090 points)
4 8 12
in HW2 by (2.1k points)

Hi everyone. 

I finished the mandatory homework and when I tested it on the terminal on my computer it passed all of the tests. However when I uploaded it on q2a I got 3 test failed, all of them due to this error:

  testlib.ForbiddenError= The import of 'py._io.terminalwriter' is forbidden

I haven't imported anything though. If someone knows what can I do let me know! 



3 Answers

Best answer
gabrimat (5630 points)
2 4 25
by (5.6k points)
selected by
It is probably a timeout, since it passes all the test on your machine it means that your computer is fast. Same problem occurred with another student with the optional homework, the problem were timeouts. I am not 100% sure.
KilianS (3590 points)
7 10 27
by (3.6k points)
no idea but good luck with your code!

PS: im not just saying this for the points mr spognardi
andrea.sterbini (207940 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)
Sometimes pytest imports other libs to show errors in colors.

I have added a check on HW2req to fail tests when the ex arguments are modified.

Perhaps that error triggered the import and so the second error message
zoe_matrullo (2090 points)
4 8 12
by (2.1k points)
I did not modify the arguments
GabrielAlexandru (7760 points)
2 4 29
by (7.8k points)

When I delivered the optional Homework I had the same problem, as you can see here. Same thing happened: pytest tried to write the error in red text but it didn’t work and raised another error. For me it was actually a TimeoutError what triggered it.

Since you said that you did not change the argument of the ex function, perhaps it’s just a Timeout for you too.