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Spyder library

leonardo_13 (1540 points)
6 15 22
in Programming in Python by (1.5k points)
How can i install the library 'stopit' for Spyder on MacOS? I'm talking about the indipendent app of Spyder not the one in Anaconda.

2 Answers

Best answer
gianluca5539 (9820 points)
4 6 44
by (9.8k points)
selected by

You will have to install the Third Party Addon spyder terminal to use the terminal and then install the dependencies you wish with pip.

If my answer was helpful and solved your issue, don't forget to set it as the best answer. Have a nice day

Gianluca Monte

ruben.ciranni (4650 points)
8 14 31
by (4.7k points)
Inside Spyder click on "Tools", then on "open command prompt", then write   "pip install <name of the package>"
leonardo_13 (1540 points)
6 15 22
by (1.5k points)
Unfortunatly they removed the pront from spyder
DGreat (1250 points)
10 14 28
by (1.3k points)
I don't understand: why don't you simply use Anaconda?
leonardo_13 (1540 points)
6 15 22
by (1.5k points)
Because it's very slow.
Lorenzo_Pellegrino (820 points)
2 6 10
by (820 points)
But anaconda is still a file manager and spyder isn't. I still recommend using anaconda in order to avoid compatibility issues, plus it is not slow as you think