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[GRADES] Results of the 18-6-21 exam [WITH SOLUTION]

andrea.sterbini (207940 points)
756 1270 2377
in News by (208k points)
edited by

Here are the final grades after the lab test of yesterday 18-6-21.

If you find mistakes  please comment below

Else, please send immediately an email to your teacher to explicitly ACCEPT/REJECT the final grade.

EDIT: here is the zip with exam and solution

1 Answer

Nicholas Tiveron (1710 points)
4 5 8
by (1.7k points)
Hi, will the text of this exam be uploaded as well (along with possibly its solutions)?
andrea.sterbini (207940 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)
Done                                              .