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exercise 4 of the 27-1-2021 exam

Alessandro Vecchi (1870 points)
1 10 18
in Exam exercises by (1.9k points)
Good afternoon all,

I have a question about the exercise 4 of the exam. I spent the last 2 hours (literally, since I strangely managed to do the first three ones in the first half) of the exam doing it and I still don't understand some results.

I will bring as an example the test_ex4_2 since I spent so muuuuch time with it, but with the 4 and 5 the reasoning is the same.

The dictionary is:

grammar = {
        "$B": ['$Y', '€y', ' ', '$I', '€n', ' ', '$b'],
        "$b": ['$Y', '"Stop!" But ', '$I', '$G'],
        "$Y": ['You ', '@s'],
        "$I": ['I ', '@s'],
        "@s": ['say: '],
        "€y": ['€Q', 'Yes.', '€Q'],
        "€n": ['€Q', 'No.', '€Q'],
        "!Y": ["$Y", "€y"],
        "$G": ['€Q', '$g', ' ', '$g', ' ', '$g', '€Q'],
        "$g": ['Go!'],
        "€Q": ['"'], }

and the

key = "$B"

I'm going to focus only on the number of concatenation, since they were my only problem since the beginning.

I'm counting by hand, since I don't get the exact result even by counting by hand.

First step is to count concatenations on "$Y" which are:


2.'@s', hence 'say: '

Therefore the count on "$Y" is 2.

With the same reasoning I get:

- '€y' is 3

-  ' ' is 1

- '$I' is 2

-  '€n' is 3

- ' ' is 1

- '$b' is '€y'+stop+'$I' +'$G'=2+1+2+7=12

Finally the result is 2+3+1+2+3+1+12 which is 24.

But the expected result should be 22. How? Why?

Sorry to bother but I need to understand where am I wrong.

I have been thinking about it since Wednesday and I can't stop doing it :-) .

1 Answer

Best answer
by (2.8k points)
selected by

Dear Mr Vecchi,

I am glad to read about how fast you were at solving most of the exercises. Let me try with a step-by-step “debugging” for the remaining one. I know it is quite a brute-force approach but I hope it helps us clarify the issue a bit.

Replacing $Y with ['You ', '@s']. Count update: 1 → 2
Replacing @s with ['say: ']. Count update: 2 → 3
Replacing €y with ['€Q', 'Yes.', '€Q']. Count update: 3 → 4
Replacing €Q with ['"']. Count update: 4 → 5
Replacing €Q with ['"']. Count update: 5 → 6
Replacing $I with ['I ', '@s']. Count update: 6 → 7
Replacing @s with ['say: ']. Count update: 7 → 8
Replacing €n with ['€Q', 'No.', '€Q']. Count update: 8 → 9
Replacing €Q with ['"']. Count update: 9 → 10
Replacing €Q with ['"']. Count update: 10 → 11
Replacing $b with ['$Y', '"Stop!" But ', '$I', '$G']. Count update: 11 → 12
Replacing $Y with ['You ', '@s']. Count update: 12 → 13
Replacing @s with ['say: ']. Count update: 13 → 14
Replacing $I with ['I ', '@s']. Count update: 14 → 15
Replacing @s with ['say: ']. Count update: 15 → 16
Replacing $G with ['€Q', '$g', ' ', '$g', ' ', '$g', '€Q']. Count update: 16 → 17
Replacing €Q with ['"']. Count update: 17 → 18
Replacing $g with ['Go!']. Count update: 18 → 19
Replacing $g with ['Go!']. Count update: 19 → 20
Replacing $g with ['Go!']. Count update: 20 → 21
Replacing €Q with ['"']. Count update: 21 → 22


Alessandro Vecchi (1870 points)
1 10 18
by (1.9k points)
edited by
Oh thanks. It seems that I didn't understand the text. I thought that the count was the number of concatenations. In fact the issue derives from this. '$G' and '$B' have two characters each that are not present as keys in the dictionary. My program counts how many concatenations I do, not how many replacements. Here there are the two elements that should not be present.

I wasn't able to modify the first solution that I came out with and I was wondering why indeed.

Here it is my solution (very similar to the professor Sterbini's one):

#encrypted code

As I said I didn't understand the text well, so it's my fault.

In my defense, I can only say that it's not very clear how should we manage the counter, even after understanding the problem I find the text misunderstandable. (At least I'm not as dumb as I thought)

However, thank you so much for making me understand the mistake.
andrea.sterbini (207940 points)
756 1270 2377
by (208k points)
Please do not paste code in Q2A
Alessandro Vecchi (1870 points)
1 10 18
by (1.9k points)
Oh sorry I thought it was allowed since the exam was done.