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Which data structure to use?

_ginevra_ (620 points)
0 11 15
in HW8 required by (620 points)

I am currently stuck on how to proceed with my algorithm.  I understand how to solve the problem with pen and paper but I am not sure of how to implement it. I know that I could create an n-ary tree in which each node is a city but I don't really know how to so I would need to learn how to do it. Then I thought of using dictionaries to associate the city with its secret but would that be a good idea? Do you think that creating an n-ary tree is worth it?

Would be really glad if I could receive any feedback. Thank you.

1 Answer

benjamin (2490 points)
1 7 21
by (2.5k points)
My first suggestion is to use a class to rapresent the nodes in your tree. the idea of the dictionary is pretty good. remember that you can store what data structure you want as values and keys in this dictionary.