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Test only work after I've called the funtion myself.

emanuele.segatori (380 points)
0 1 4
in HW6 required by (380 points)
closed by
I've completed the homework, but it seems not to work. To check the output of every image I've called one by one the test, adding only:

ex1("filename.png", "encoded_filename.png")

After I've runned the function manually the tests seems to pass without problems.

It was like the program wasn't saving the final encoded image to the "encoded_filename-xx.png", and do so only if I call the function by myself.

(If you are wondering, I haven't touched the test_random-xx.png files.)
closed with the note: The problem is solved.

1 Answer

davide.marincione (1380 points)
0 5 14
by (1.4k points)
Ahem... I think it's the other way around... the test_something-something.png files are the ones you have tro write onto while the encoded_something_something.png are the reference ones.
emanuele.segatori (380 points)
0 1 4
by (380 points)
Yeah, I've just noticed.
