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Connecting to kernel problem

mjijena (280 points)
1 3 7
in Programming in Python by (280 points)
Can anyone help me solve this?

I just downloaded the anaconda navigator on a HP laptop and whenever I open Spyder, the bottom right part where the code is executed says "connecting to kernel" but it doesn't do anything and it never connects.

I tried uninstalling and also changing the current version to older and newer ones but it just keeps happening


2 Answers

angelo.spognardi (8190 points)
77 155 226
by (8.2k points)
You can try clicking on the small gear close to the bottom right part of the console and selecting the options about additional kernels.
Oakandrew (6400 points)
7 27 64
by (6.4k points)
u might have something like "Reset Spyder Settings"  in Windows menu. try that and let know
mjijena (280 points)
1 3 7
by (280 points)
I did it, then a black tab like an editor i think opened, then spyder opened and the error kept happening...
mjijena (280 points)
1 3 7
by (280 points)
The only kernels options I see are: connect to an existing kernel, interrupt kernel and restart kernel.

Interrupt doesn't do anything.

When i press restart kernel, it says: restarting kernel and then an error pops up and says "spyder has encountered an internal problem"

For connecting to an existing kernel it gives me many options which I'm assuming are to connect manually but I don't really know what to do there.
Oakandrew (6400 points)
7 27 64
by (6.4k points)
edited by
conda --version ----This command shows u version of Anaconda
conda list Spyder$ ----Version of spyder

Put result of above commands here, 

also check if u use default interpreter in Spyder

(U check it with CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+P click "Python Interpreter" 

and then see an option "Select Python interpreter for all Spyder consoles")

And also u can reset Spyder with a command CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+P 

and press bottom left corresponding button